Title of Module: Practice of Entrepreneurship for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people
Open to: Approximately 15 to 20 Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (diverse group in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, ability, language skills etc.) as it is a pilot module/project.
Duration/Year: 5 days in 2016
Location: Henley Business School, Whiteknights Campus , University of Reading
Cost: Teaching & Learning fees + Facilities to be covered & sponsored by the Henley Business School. Deaf Aspirations needs to raise approximately £25k to cover project co-ordinator’s costs, publicity, accommodation, subsistence, travel, sign language interpreting, note-taking, mentors, role models’ expenses, evening activities, evaluation etc.
Accommodation: Preferably in University accommodation to engender teamwork and interaction.
Publicity: Deaf Aspirations and its social media deaf & hard of hearing network to attract potential students from across the UK and Europe. This is an interactive module aiming to inspire deaf and hard of hearing people and provide them with the entrepreneurial skills and confidence needed to put plans into action.
Communication: Sign language interpreters, lip speakers and visual technology will be available to meet individual communication and linguistic needs.
Teaching Staff: Students to gain a full understanding of the practice of entrepreneurship through exposure to the experience of successful visiting entrepreneurs(some of whom may be deaf or hard of hearing) and external speakers and are given an understanding of the realities of business start-ups and the chance to pitch their own ideas to external judges.
Contact Details
Coordinating Director & Main Contact – Ken Carter, Deaf Aspirations, ITEC Enterprises, 121 Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, RG9 1TE
Email Address: ken@deafax.org
Telephone number: 01491 576281
Advisers: Professor Andrew Godley; Graham Hocking ; Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq; Helen Lansdown