I’m severely deaf, yet I use the phone!
“She’s having us on!” I feel sure you’ll groan!
But the technical boffins have proved very keen,
To ensure that I SEE what you SAY on a screen.

It works like this, my telephone rings,
My pager vibrates as I can’t hear a thing!
I place the handset in two little cups,
On a small keyboard, a foot by a foot!
Your words appear on my cute little screen,
And there you are, I’m living the dream!

I coolly type out my delighted reply,
Deaf friend has same phone and we ‘chat with our eyes!’
And if you are hearing, TEXT RELAY repeats,
My word to your ears, now isn’t that neat!
I tell her my worries… some news, and chat,
About her new grandson, or lunch at my flat!

We have conversations in clear printed letters,
My two fingers tapping…. it’s really much better,
Than begging my neighbour to ring up my friend,
And give her a message, then feeling incensed
When my friend and the neighbour get carried astray,
Have long chats together, …I’m just in the way!

These petite machines, not too dear to buy,
Are called MINICOMS, a phone for the eyes.
I’m no longer different… reached only by post,
Or personal visits ..a drag to the coast..!
Now too we have TYPETALK, (operated relayers)
So no more asking for telephone favours!!!!

By Diane Kenyon - Honorary President of Deaf Aspirations