Due to her recent death, this brief Tribute is in recognition for all the outstanding support she gave to so many deaf and hearing children, young people and adults over a long period of time in the UK and in other parts of the world. Ken Carter was mainly responsible for introducing Evelyn to the Breakthrough (Deaf & Hearing) Integration Trust, FYD (Friends for the Young Deaf) and Deafax. She was responsible for sharing her communication, language, leadership & friendship skills to a number of deaf and hearing people including Morag Rosie, MBE whom she shared the post of Co-CEO for FYD for a number of years.
In the book “You can Do it” the FYD story is told by Morag Rosie & Stuart Harrison and Evelyn features considerably in it. Ken has lots of lovely memories of Berlin where she was brought up and educated as they use to travel there to see her mother and enjoy this beautiful and historic city and all that it offered after the War.
Some photos show Evelyn and her loyal colleagues together plus one of the “Toffs at the Dorchester Hotel celebrating their success”.
Deaf Aspirations, which has grown out of the work of Breakthrough & FYD, is very proud to honour her selfless contribution to “Inclusiveness” in all its many forms. She was awarded an Honorary OBE for her inclusive services. “We shall Remember her”.